About US

NewEnzymes is a company with a strong focus in enzyme formulation. We are committed to changing the conventional systems for the better by using the biotechnology.

As enzyme specialist we strongly believe in bio innovative solutions that can potentially safe water, energy, time, facts that contribute to have a better sustainable planet, for us and especially for our future generations.

The headquarters of the company is located in Portugal and it has modern facilities of production and storage conditioned.

In the laboratories of New Enzymes a team of technicians guarantee the development of new products and its applications using the most advanced techniques works and always in narrow collaboration with the industry and university.

New Enzymes operates mainly in the South Europe market and it exports to more than 20 countries around the world.





BioWoool and Leather

Taylor Made


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Rua Augusto Simões, 1042

4425-626 Pedrouços


Tel.: +351 22 906 93 00

Fax.: +351 22 906 93 09